Walking Mapping Writing: a midsummer gathering
5.00pm – 7.30pm 21st June 2019
Stanmer Park, Brighton
The catalyst, starting point and imaginary for Commonplace’s first gathering is a map of Stanmer Park entitled Field and Wood Names in Stanmer, Sussex by C.W Yeates. We found it by chance in a rucksack full of old walking maps belonging to the late English poet Lee Harwood. Although faint with age, the map seems to be dated 1979 or thereabouts. It is by no means the only map of the site so if you're joining us and have other maps of the area, please bring them along.
We invite you to join us, to talk about mapping, walking and noticing and to write, individually and as a group, before we walk some of the map. We will be using fragments of texts and poems and a document of some of those fragments will be available on the evening.
Event Archive
Through the course of the evening, we read together from a number of texts and poems including:
Justin Hopper, Old Weird Albion
Raymond Antrobus, 'Kingston to Morant Bay’ from the collection To Sweeten Bitter
Vivien Brown, 'Instead of Sparrows’
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
The event was further informed by works including:
Georges Perec, in particular An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris
Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust and A Field Guide to Getting Lost
The Walking Reading Group, On Commons
Online and archival resources relating to Stanmer Park, Stanmer House, some of its occupants and their roles in historical and geopolitical events in the area.


Special thanks to Louise Winters, founder of the Poetry Network, for leading the poetry writing session during Walking Mapping Writing: A Midsummer Gathering.
Tickets are available from Eventbrite
Things to note about the site
Commonplace’s site in Stanmer Park is a wooded, semi-public space. There is no electricity. There are no toilets on the immediate site but some are available til 5pm adjacent to the tea room. Apart from trees and wildlife there is nothing much on site, infrastructurally, apart the ground under your feet. So do please come prepared. We will be walking through steep, woodland areas so a reasonable levels of fitness is required.